When I first went natural I thought I needed to use heavy creams and butters to just make my hair feel soft and moisturized, I was wrong, conditioners, oils and a little shea butter go a long way! The new routine I'm trying out relies heavily on oils and conditioner to keep my hair moisturized with shea butter added throughout the week when my hair needs a moisture boost. I think the idea that our hair can be soft with the use of one to two products is still a fresh idea for some naturals who use many products throughout the week on there hair and scalp. Listen to your hair, it will tell you what it likes and dislikes. The process may take a while but the benefits outweigh a continued cycle of asking why hair is brittle, dry, breaking, and why your scalp is so itchy.
I've learned that our hair is reactionary, for example a person's hair suddenly becomes brittle because of a new product. The hair is telling the person that the product being used doesn't agree and to stop using it. Sometimes we need to take a step back and listen to our hair, use proper hair care techniques and use as few products as possible.
Happy Growing,